Zappendorf, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Zappendorf, located in the Saalekreis with its parts Zappendorf, Köllme and Müllerdorf has about 1.420 inhabitants and has been part of the municipality Salzatal since 2009. The population has been decreasing over the years and there is a tendency for over-ageing. The proximity to centres like Halle (15km) and Merseburg (25km) as well as to the area of Leipzig can be considered an advantage of the location.

The different village parts of Zapendorf have dispersed settlement character that developed along the traffic routes. The typology is characterised by numerous row-settlements of workers in the former field of potash mining as well as by officers’ mansions for the leading employees. Therefore, only the village Zappendorf itself has a characteristic village ore.

All three parts of the village have great technological infrastructure and are equipped with excellent broadband communication possibilities. Aside from two agricultural businesses, there are 64 handiwork and service enterprises, most of which are located in the industrial area in the South of Zappendorf. Out of the 16 very active local associations, the “Booster Club Children and Youth Camp”, the day care center “Max und Moritz” as well as the museum council of the agriculture and home museum are particularly noteworthy.

Zappendorf is located in the nature park “Lower Salzatal” and is an active member in the so called Leader-LAG. The communal district has a high density of biotopes with two landscape and FFH protection areas as part of the nature park.

After the creation of a development and spatial planning concept, Zappendorf was included in the Village Renewal Programme of the state Saxony-Anhalt in 1992. This lead to a number of projects such as the development of the communal industrial area, investments in public and sociocultural infrastructure like schools, day care facilities as well as sports and leisure activities. Particularly noteworthy is the establishment of a home and agricultural museum that could only be realised due to the great voluntary commitment of the Zeppendorf population.

The undeniable strength os Zappendorf lies within its committed population with a strong sense of solidarity and active participation. This dedication has lead to impressive achievements in numerous fields of integrated village development. For example, mostly privately initiated projects were realised that aimed to restore and revitalise the historical building substance. Additionally, the opportunities for young people that have been recognised as a major chance for the village has become more attractive and broad – the children and youth camp in the old quarry is particularly remarkable.

In 2015, based on a survey among the people and an analysis of strengths and weaknesses, a guideline was created which should be implemented within the framework of the “Future Workshop Zappendorf”. It included a variety of measures and initiatives in various fields. Energy supply, for example, should shift towards regenerative sources and Zappendorf should establish itself as an eco-village.

Also, the planned senior network and the project “TimeOasis”, the intended expansion of tourism, the intensification of cooperations with other villages of the municipality and the region as well as new projects in the fields of migration and integration can be considered exemplary.

Evaluated: 2016


Beate Schrank