Tučín, Olomouc, Czech Republic
The municipality of Tučín, a village with 450 inhabitants, is spread over a surface of 480 ha. 85% are used for agriculture, mainly farmed by three full-time farmers in family enterprises. Most people seek employment in the nearby capital of the district, Přerov. The percentage of female employment is 88%, the unemployment rate is with 9.4% under the regional average of 12.4%.
The village renewal program is based on two pillars, namely the sustainable strengthening of the community in its demographic, social and economic structure and the renewed stability of the ecological framework conditions for the maintenance of the identity-giving cultural landscape. The small scale and the compact settlement structure with its short ways and direct contacts have been identified as fundamental strengths, in that respect, the commitment of the citizens adds to its value. Transparent information and communication and the participation in awareness and decision-making processes of many groups within the population are also considered valuable and promoted accordingly through a community newspaper, polls, an Internet page and the radio station.
Agriculture suffers from adverse ecological framework conditions; thick, impermeable soils and strong rainfalls. Farmers, municipality and community therefore work together to stabilize the natural environment and improve conditions for productive and sustainable agriculture. A program for the re-planting of trees and the creation of tree corridors, the construction of field drainage, the planning of a high-water retention trench and the change from working the soil to soil-conform meadows and the local energy supply are important steps on the way. The agricultural products, honey, fruits from the communal orchards and the products from the local ceramic workshop are on sale in the village store.
Empty buildings have been refurbished and are now used as public buildings, such as a pre-school, a guest house and the village store. Currently, a new area has been added to the zoning plan. It will be integrated into the heart of the village and offer later generations and migrating families room for settlement within the municipality. The former quarry was turned into a habitat in 2008. The municipality also started to build local utility networks. The construction of the sewage system is complete, the respective water plant will be finished in 2011. At the moment, surfaces are being allocated for the construction of a waste recycling site.
However, Tučín’s most valuable resources are its people. The community is organised in a number of clubs and societies, acting in symbiosis with the municipality. They started a social value-added chain outside of the market-economic systems and also ensure the social integration of all generations and of both genders. Both individual and collective quality of life have been raised considerably as a consequence.
Tučín pursues a holistic and future-orientated path and has recognized the importance of an ecological and sustainable settlement development, among other elementary challenges. It meets these requirements with an individual approach. Tučín also managed in an exemplary way to initiate and merge social energies, which work across generations and genders as well as across different groups of society.
Evaluated: 2010