Trebesing, Carinthia, Austria
The municipality Trebesing is located 735 meters above sea level and includes 13 villages and settlements, spread across 3 foothills of mountains across 11 kilometers. It lacks a larger settlement core as a center. Although there is a solid connection to public transport, micro traffic is needed for local supply. Trebesing has 1171 inhabitants, the population is shrinking while superannuation of the population is growing. 15.3 percent of buildings are vacant, upkeeping of building structure is a great financial burden. A vast majority of people commute out of the area due to the lack of larger enterprises. The economy is largely agricultural, but there are also touristic and trade-related enterprises.
Despite some low points and disadvantages, Trebesing never lacked the willingness to prevail and adapt. In combination with their resourcefulness and initiative, the development process was started some 50 years ago, with a focus on building land development. The development is mainly based on national or European programs, makes use of scientific expertise and expert guidance and values participation, cooperation and alliances.
The processes are driven by a committed population, a majority of which is an active member of associations, and a considerate municipal administration, which not only tolerates this volunteer work, but also respects, supports and promotes it. Other pillars of the development strategy include problem-awareness and a levelheaded analysis of current and future challenges. Appreciation for the area and courageous visions also characterize the process.
In accordance with the goal of being a high-quality location for both residents and guests, the themes of family., responsibility for resources and energy, closeness, identity, nature, security, cooperation, community and openness are central for the municipality.
Much was achieved throughout the years. A new educational center was built, being home not only to the kindergarten, elementary school and afternoon care, nut also integrating venues for events and associations and boasting excellent architectural quality in a small space. Trebesing is a founding municipality of the “Village Service”, which has become indispensable particularly to the older population. The social quality of the municipality is also reflected in the various activities and establishments, such as “Fit for Life”, a playground, water space “Graggltümpfe” and the palpable improvement of child care. The scientifically developed “Demography Check” serves as an important base for these projects.
A unique quality of the municipality is their dedication to environmental and climate protection. Numerous debates attest to continuous awareness-building as well as the hard work and investments from the municipality and private entities. Examples include the installation of a photovoltaic plant on the roof of the high way tunnels, municipal funding for thermal insulation and the utilization of renewable energy such as solar power and biomass heating, solar street lighting and the creation of an energy trail. In the spirit of climate protection, mobility and local supply, e-car-sharing-projects were established, promoting individual public transport.
This regard for resources also influences spatial planning in public spaces. Successful renovation of old structures, revitalization of vacancies, construction of architecturally appealing new structures and the creation of inspiring spaces compliment each other. A new local development plan and land designation plan were developed to tackle current and future challenges.
Through soft touristic developments, new jobs were created within the village and local added value was increased. An industrial park, including 8 companies and 17 employees, was constructed. Since 2019, further space is available for enterprises. It strengthens economic potential, much like the afore-mentioned energy trail or municipal funding for agricultural local marketing.
Trebesing is aware of the fact that a pioneering spirit and energy are necessary to secure their achievements in the long run, to maintain a high quality of life and to tackle new challenges. The expansion of the broad band network and digitalization as a whole, demographic change and the notion of “growing old in the municipality”, the refunctioning of vacant agricultural structures, climate change and recognition for volunteer work as well as maintaining a tolerant spirit are central to this process.
Evaluated: 2020