Groß Schönebeck, Brandenburg, Germany

Groß Schönebeck, part of the large municipality Schorfheide,  captivates by coping with the radical functional changes in forestry and hunting after the fall of the Berlin wall, as well as by accepting and innovatively furthering development of the new conditions created by the designation of the Schorfheide biosphere park. 

Striking is the acute confrontation with history, which finds its expression among other things in the exhibition „Hunting and Power“ and may be considered meaningful „continued use of the past“. 

The establishment of a new attitude towards life through an outstanding and consistent openness towards new and different things, which manifests itself in several successful projects, as well as the development and consistent implementation of high-quality participatory processes is particularly in line with the motto „th!nk further”. 

This achievement is all the more significant as the village Groß Schönebeck within the large municipality of Schorfheide is dependent on opinion formation in the large community in regards to many development questions and project approvals.

Evaluated: 2018


Beate Schrank