St. Andrae, Carinthia, Austria
St. Andrä, Carinthia, Austria, managed a turnaround from depression towards sustainable development with the process that has begun in 2013, which is promoted by active public participation and a profound exchange between local government and citizens.
As a result, an attractive investment climate was created proactively, in regards to the private and corporate sector alike, which in particular helped the city center to come to life again. The active vacancy management system used to promote new usage concepts is just as exemplary as the innovative public-private partnership model used in the construction and operation of the new city hall.
The architectural and structural quality of the renovated, modified or newly constructed objects is high. Finally, the liveliness of the city center manifests itself in a vivid cultural life and increasing tourist attractiveness, in particular the excursion tourism with respect to the village center revival deserves to be mentioned, which is also a positive validation of the chosen path.
Evaluated: 2018