Řepice, South Bohemia, Czech Republic

The municipality Řepice is located in the beautiful and agriculturally characterized hilly landscape of South Bohemia. Ponds and forests shape the appearance of the village about 109 km from Prague. There is an increase in the population: Since the 1990s, the number of citizens rose from 300 to about 420. Most of them work in local and regional handicraft and business establishments.

During the communist regime, Řepice was financially and non-materially “starved”. However, the inhabitants maintained their sense of solidarity to one another and to the village and proved to be a strong community. After 1989, independent structures were regained and the new chances were optimally used. The financial assets were limited, but the people’s initia-tive was strong and numerous. Thus, visions of an independ-ent municipality with a high quality of life for the young as well as for the old were developed and implemented step by step.

Within a few decades, the municipality succeeded to renovate buildings and to fill them with new life. At the same time, an exemplary social and technological infrastructure was built from scratch. Today, Řepice is equipped with not only a town hall, fire station, new water pipes, sewerage and high speed internet in all households, but also with restaurants, taverns, a library and an antiquarian bookshop, a kindergarten, a school and numerous other cultural facilities, some of which are lodg-ed in historically valuable buildings. Another expansion of the infrastructure with a focus on increasing life quality is planned.

Copious associations with diverse contents with creative and committed members lead to an amazing community life in the village. At the same time, the population takes part in the numerous regional and interregional cooperations and or-ganizations. The collaboration between the village and regional decision makers is very successful. The renewal process is generally exemplary: the involvement and collaboration of the inhabitants is high and there is also a lot of support from experts in various areas. The responsible persons also succeed to encourage the special talents of the individual inhabitants and use it for the community.

The maintenance and the fostering of the old building structure are of great value, especially of buildings that are of historical and traditional value for the village. Also important are customs and traditional culture. Nevertheless, new and mod-ern influences are welcome as well.

Řepice managed to turn a dying village into a vivid place within only a few years, providing it with an infrastructure so great.

Evaluated: 2014


Beate Schrank