Mengsberg, Hesse, Germany

Mengsberg is a part of the municipality Neustadt in the district Marburg-Biedenkopf. It has some 900 inhabitants – with a decreasing tendency. Therefore, new inhabitants of all nationalities are visited by the municipal administrator and receive informative pamphlets and coupons. The aim of this special “welcoming-culture” is to inform the new members of the community about the life in the village and to create an identification and affinity with the place.

Remarkable aspects of Mengsberg are its relatively young population and the high amount of local work places, with shrinking primary and secondary sectors and a growing service sector. Mengsberg relies on the daily tourism and succeeds to enhance it. Regarding village development, the people of Mengsberg have developed distinct visions and goals. The main focus is set on sustainability. Alternative energy is also an important subject: in collaboration with private companies, the municipality implemented a wind farm and is now planning the construction of a local heat supply system. There is already a high number of households with finalized supply agreements. The realization of the local heat supply system is planned to take place through a cooperative system.

Mengsberg is outstandingly active in the fields of environmental and nature protection. The main focus here lies on the sensitization of all age groups – from toddlers to seniors. An example would be a forest playground, at which children did not only plant the trees themselves, they are also responsible for tending the playground. Another project is the implementation of a nature trail with eight thematic stations. The trail was realized almost exclusively by collaborative personal contributions. Especially noteworthy is a meadow with scattered fruit trees, where old fruit varieties are cultivated. These fruits are a reward for the inhabitants in return for taking care of the meadow.

Another remarkable aspect is the treatment of the elderly population: a major part of the seniors lives with their own family. Those who cannot do so are taken care of by an active neighborly help, they receive support during their everyday-life and are well integrated into the social life of the community. Examples would be the story telling café, a driving service and outreach care for care-dependent people. The community spirit generally plays a major role for all demographic and age groups. For example, there is a senior-citizen music group that delights the community at every event. Thus, the elderly population forms the center of the community.

The appearance of Mengsberg is attractive and all the essential infrastructures are available. Additionally, the place is equipped with a local indoor swimming pool and a rid-ing stable, where interregional tournaments take place. There is also a broad variety of sport and leisure activities offered. The old structure of the location was renovated to the widest extent over the past years. Lastly, Mengsberg has an active population with a strong sense for community that engages passionately in the village life and the tending of the location.

Evaluated: 2014



Beate Schrank