Mariënvelde, Gelderland, Niederlande
Mariënvelde is characterized by its approach to facing future challenges with a human values concept, not relying solely on others but taking the reins into their own hands. The prevailing guiding principle is that each individual possesses unique abilities and can contribute to the common good. This inclusive solution approach successfully addresses challenges in the care sector and simultaneously serves as an effective strategy to counteract potential social isolation and divisions. Through a survey of the population, both the needs and the talents of the residents were identified, and strategies were developed to match “supply“ with “demand“.
The starting point was the construction of the sports facility and its expansion into a community center. Through commitment, self-initiative, and the creation of a foundation with citizen participation, this new BMV (Brede Maatschappelijke Voorziening/comprehensive social facility) was built and soon developed into the “living room of the village“. It is the central social, sports, and integrative meeting place and provides space for a wide variety of activities. The BMV is also the headquarters of the Care Corporation, which not only takes care of the day-to-day care and integration of people in need of care but also goes far beyond that by trying to support the population with its worries and problems.
The ecological awareness of the residents of Mariënvelde is highly regarded, as evidenced by the removal of paving in certain areas, the creation of multifunctional public open spaces, and the greening of these spaces with more than 4,000 new plants and trees. The redesign of the kindergarten outdoor area can also be described as particularly climate-friendly. The level of community engagement and the number of volunteers is very high – about 90 percent of the many services offered in the village are provided by the residents themselves – so the earnings always flow back into the association structures. As a result, new ideas can often be implemented more quickly. This extraordinary approach serves as a European model example.
One of the greatest challenges for villages and rural communities is demographic change, along with the accompanying question of how to design communities that can meet the needs of people requiring care. In Mariënvelde, this task has been approached in a particularly self-reliant manner, with the community taking over the responsibility of care management. Together with representatives from social sectors and financial experts, plans were developed for a care society, which eventually led to the founding of the Care Corporation Mariënvelde. This corporation is housed in the newly established community center BMV.
The Care Corporation was established to address the care needs within the village itself, allowing those affected to remain in their familiar environment. The day care services cater not only to the elderly but also to chronically ill individuals, people with disabilities, and those who, for various reasons, are far removed from the job market and thus require support. Under the supervision of four care coordinators, each with specific expertise, an informal network has been established in the village, enabling tailored, personalized, and more cost-effective care.
The core of the Care Corporation‘s activities are the countless volunteers. Under the premise that all residents can contribute to the common good and, in return, benefit from the contributions of others, all citizens were surveyed regarding their skills, talents, and willingness to contribute. The result is a volunteer network that now handles around 90 percent of all activities on a voluntary basis. The tasks provide significant meaning to the helpers, and cost savings are reinvested in the quality of professional services. Formal and informal care largely overlap and are closely coordinated. The services are reviewed through reflective monitoring twice a year.
The Care Corporation also serves as a platform for various activities beyond care and support. It offers regular card and rummy games for people of all ages, invites participants to listen to music together, holds creative workshops, and provides cozy coffee chats and shared meals. The offerings are further supplemented by a “social box“ for donations, a laundry service operated by people with disabilities and used by local sports enthusiasts, and a service exchange where everyday help, such as lawn mowing or shopping, is facilitated. The founding of the Care Corporation has impressively succeeded at putting people at the center and achieving a high degree of social cohesion in Mariënvelde.
The starting point for the construction of the BMV (Brede Maatschappelijke Voorziening/comprehensive social facility) in Mariënvelde was the construction and privatization (foundation with citizen participation) of the local sports facility through
a lot of self-initiative and with financial support from the municipality of Oost Gelre. Since its opening in 2016, the BMV has developed into the “living room of the village“ and is considered the central social, sports, and integrative meeting place of the community.
It provides space for clubs and many public and civic activities such as art and craft courses and swap markets. It houses a library corner, a billiard table, and rooms that belong to the sports facility, and it is also the headquarters of the Care Corporation Mariënvelde, which takes care of day care and integration for people in need of care.
With the support of regional actors, the sustainable reuse of furniture such as counters and chairs, and its multifunctional orientation, the BMV has created a central point of contact in the village, which, in symbiosis with the outdoor space, greatly enriches village life. It is noteworthy that the operation is entirely managed by the village residents themselves, with all revenue always flowing back into the foundation, benefiting the common good. Particularly special is the fact that many activities in the BMV are documented and often read to children as “dwarf stories“.
In 2017, the PleinPlanners working group was established in Mariënvelde to create a new, attractive public space with a lot of greenery. It would not only offer parking spaces but also invite people to exercise, play, and socialize. This space is intended to be a place where young and old can come together, organize events, and strengthen social cohesion.
After several design phases, a climate-adapted and future-oriented design was presented in September 2022, integrating sustainability, circular economy, and biodiversity. The village residents were kept informed about the project‘s progress through almost weekly updates on internet platforms. Initially, trees and more than 4,000 shrubs, flowers, and similar plants were planted by the village community. In the meantime, a design for the schoolyard adjacent to the center was developed and implemented with the students, which is now open to everyone. With colorful paving, a water feature, large flower beds, and atmospheric lighting, an attractive public space with interconnected areas and many opportunities for social interaction was created. Various clubs and interest groups also participated in the design. For example, a bench was decorated with tiles, and the dwarf motif chosen in the BMV was continued in various ways. A small fitness garden delights older residents. The greening actions also make an important contribution to the climate resilience of Mariënvelde.
Evaluated: 2024