Lajen, South Tyrol, Italy
Lajen is a municipality located in the lower Eisacktal Valley, in the region of Trentino – South Tyrolea. The communal land extends over 37 km 2 and comprises the fractions Lajen, Ried, Tschöfas, Freins, Albions, Tanirz and St. Peter, whereby the main locality Lajen is situated at an altitude of 1,100 m. In addition to the typical terraces of the low ranging mountains, there are also steeper slopes with individual farms, as typical for this scenery. The municipality has approximately 2,950 inhabitants and can look onto a slightly positive development in terms of population figures. The almost 1,150 work places are mostly in the area crafts, trade and industry, as well as services.
With the accession to the Climate Agreement South Tyrolea in 1993, the municipality has set the goal of considerably reducing energy consumption. Over a period of ten years, the energy balance has been cut in half, thanks to intensive energy counseling and lobbying of the citizens. In order to reach model status, public buildings are subject to climate standard A, meaning that the energy consumption must not exceed ten kilowatt hours per square metre per year. In case of new building projects, regenerative energy carriers such as photovoltaic and geothermal energy are being used. The construction of a bio mass heating plant in Lajen owned by the municipality and a private investor in St. Peter supplies the locals with district heating and has initiated a small economic circle through the use of locally produced wood as a sustainable resource. At the same time it reduced energy consumption through increased efficiency. An accessible infrastructure channel mostly excludes any negative impact of the surface.
The creation of a park & ride parking lot is supposed to make the 400 commuters leave their cars behind. Young people and seniors can use public transportation free of charge. A number of local shops with a vast range of products supply the locality with the daily necessities. Shops sell the local produce, complemented by products typical for the area.
In cooperation with the Authority for the Protection of Historic Buildings, guidelines in regard to form have been established, with special focus on the unique structure of the village place and the facades of the buildings. The architectural quality of the communal buildings is a ambitious as innovative in terms of energy balance. With the draft of the new zoning plan in combination with the development plan, an important framework has been determined in order to further the responsible handling of the cultural landscape. Objective is the protection of landscapes and its visual axes and natural reserves worth protecting. The zoning plan indicates protection zones and guidelines for ecologically compatible agriculture and defines the development of landscapes.
The multilingual reality in South Tyrolea is seen as a chance and enrichment by the people in Lajen. The social relationships and the integration of all groups of the population is being promoted in over 40 societies and associations. Seniors are seen as an important part of community life, which is why the residence for senior citizens was built right in the heart of the village. The award of the “most children-friendly” locality is the result of many attractive sport facilities and playgrounds. A natural playground in the forest, which will introduce the youngest to the topic environment and nature in a playful way, is also being planned.
Lajen stands out due to for its successful effort in reducing energy consumption and switching to renewable resources, its ambitious architectural design of communal buildings using local materials, the revitalizing of building substances worth protecting and the creation of attractive leisure offers for children and young people as well as the social community under consideration of the needs of senior citizens.
Evaluated: 2010