Komňa, Zlín, Czech Republic

Komňa, a municipiality of 587 inhabitants, is located right on the border to the Slovak Republic, about 100 km east of the Southern Moravian metropolis Brno. The municipality is characterized by the rolling landscape of the landscape protection area “White Carpathian Mountains” as well as by its vivid traditions. Of great importance is also the almost 400-years-old cultural inheritance of Johann Amos Comenius, who was born in Komňa and was a recognized pedagogue, philosopher and humanist.

In the village there is a kindergarten as well as an elementary school, a doctor’s office and public sport and cultural establishments.  Right within the village there are 75 working spaces, service and trade. Most of the 174 commuters work in a small neighbouring town.

The municipality banks on the younger generation. Only if a village can remain young, it can survive. Most measures are directed at young familiar with small children ad focus on the creation of jobs and motivating the population to actively participate in communal life. The core task of administration is considered to be the maintenance of the primary school – its continuation is essential for the decision process of young families to move to or stay in the village. Due to a relatively low number of inhabitants, this task has proven to be a great challenge, which the municipality is handling with success.

The soil and the climate do not allow for intense agricultural use. In the past, most of the inhabitants even had to find seasonal jobs in other regions or foreign countries. Nowadays, local agricultural establishments mainly focus on livestock farming and fruit-cultivation with a tendency towards organic products. The newly founded orchards with regionally typical fruit (mainly plums) produce high-quality primary products for Schnaps and organic jam and thus create new jobs. The establishments as well as the municipality closely collaborate with the eco-institute in the neighbouring village.

In the 1920ies, the municipality purchased large forest areas. Their usage was aimed to enhance the municipality budget and to create additional means for local development projects. The excellent decision of the former council to invest in the forests is considered today an obligation and motivation for the new council to continue the sustainable development of the village towards this direction. The additional revenues made from the forests allow for the village to make more sustainable investments and take similar measures.

Of great importance is the maintenance of traditions. The association “Podšable“ deals with local folk dance, such as the unique Sabre Dance. Other clubs are dedicated to music or amateur theatre. A variety of events during carnival or around Easter allow for these traditions to be revived.

Traditional styles of construction are also continued, several old buildings were reconstructed in typical village design. The municipality motivates its inhabitants to renovate  their houses – also by using traditional materials and forms – and offers credits free of interest to do so.

Komňa succeeded to create an attractive, persuasive and timely alternative to the accelerated life of the cities. The strength of the municipality lies within its inhabitants who are aware of their identity, as well as the farmers who organically cultivate the land. The administration of the municipality successfully creates and maintains comfortable space for life by its reasonable and future-oriented actions.

Evaluated: 2012


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