Jemielnica, Opole, Poland
Since 2006, the municipality of Jemielnica has officially been a bilingual community, with about 20 percent of the population in “Himmelwitz“ being German speaking. Besides the lived bilingualism, Jemielnica is characterized by its very active club life, including 17 associations, four of which are village renewal associations focused on the development of their community. The educational and cultural associations in particular receive special support from the municipality for their activities and initiatives.
Jemielnica is also known for its picturesque landscape, historical landmarks such as the Cistercian monastery founded in the 13th century, and its outstanding cultural events. A wide range of recreational facilities is available, making Jemielnica a popular destination for visitors, not only because of its attractive natural and cultural landscapes. To continuously enhance this appeal for both locals and visitors, ongoing investments are made in modernizing and expanding infrastructures, including public transport, cycle paths, roads, bridges, and water and wastewater systems.
Recognizing the importance of a healthy environment for the future viability of the municipality, numerous ecological measures have been implemented – ranging from waste separation and recycling to the preservation of green spaces, the removal of asphalt surfaces, and the use of renewable energy sources. In recent years, the municipality has also succeeded in strengthening the local economy and creating more jobs by specifically supporting business start-ups or expansions. The focus is always on the careful use of resources, revitalization instead of new construction, including transformation into contemporary uses. This has helped to reduce the outmigration of young people. Together with the strengthening of identity and tradition while focusing on contemporary quality of life, this forms the foundation for the future viability of the municipality of Jemielnica, where the collaboration between politics, administration, and the population is a lived reality.
The municipality of Jemielnica places a strong emphasis on resource-conserving renovations and revitalization of architecturally significant buildings that meet the requirements of monument preservation while also modernizing them. On the one hand, this demonstrates a clear commitment to its historical heritage, and on the other hand, it successfully creates new spaces for education, cultural activities, and community gatherings, thereby increasing its attractiveness for both locals and tourists. The projects were realized with the involvement of the regional economy, financial support from several national and European funding sources, and contributions from the local population.
For example, the professional renovation, revitalization, and careful expansion of an old inn, while preserving its architectural features, resulted in the creation of a lively community house over several project phases. This space is now frequently used by associations, businesses, and private individuals for events of all kinds, as the building has been made barrier-free and equipped with state-of-the-art technical infrastructure. The successful restoration of the former grain storehouse – a listed building and part of the still-active Cistercian monastery – and its conversion into a gallery with an appealing lighting concept revitalizes the artistic and cultural scene and demonstrates a high awareness of the historical and contemporary significance of the monastery for the development of the municipality.
To adequately meet the growing demand for early childhood care in all districts of the municipality of Jemielnica, a highly modern building was constructed directly in the village center. It has received much attention beyond the municipality‘s borders. This building houses a multi-group kindergarten with special facilities for preschool children, a nursery, and rooms for speech therapy and therapeutic practices under one roof.
Construction of the building, which was commissioned through an architectural competition and has been highly praised for its design, began in the summer of 2020 and was completed a year later in August 2021. Renewable energy sources such as geothermal energy and photovoltaics were used to supply the building‘s energy needs.
The rooms are flooded with light but are visually protected, soundproofed, and meet pedagogical and child-friendly needs. Naturally, there are also movement rooms and a garden with a playground available for the children. Additionally, there is a dining room with its own kitchen and other attached storage and utility rooms.
Part of the building is two-storied, with the upper floor housing office and administrative rooms as well as therapy rooms for various treatments such as speech therapy and physiotherapy. The latter, in particular, provides significant added value and a great relief for the affected children and their parents.
Piotrówka, or Petersgrätz, a district of the municipality of Jemielnica, has focused its development process on becoming a “place for children“, where the world can be playfully explored and knowledge and skills in various fields can be acquired.
The project consists of several interconnected components. An educational park provides knowledge about nature and environmental protection through an ecological educational trail with integrated outdoor learning games. Directly connected to this park, which also features a playground and two sports fields, is the so-called Traffic City. Here, children and young people can not only learn how to ride a bycicle and perfect cycling but also train proper skills and behavior in traffic – a service used by locals and many guests.
Embedded in this outdoor complex is also an educational center with modern conference rooms and two permanent exhibitions that deal with the history of the place and the region, as well as with historical traditions, drawing on both scientific expertise and the knowledge of the village‘s older residents. The entire project is an example of intergenerational encounters on an equal footing, providing meaningful experiences for both young and old and creating a shared identity.
Gąsiorowice, also one of the seven districts of the municipality of Jemielnica, has presented itself as a classic theme village since 2017 – a flagship project realized as a bundle of several measures centered around the theme of geese (the Polish word for goose gives the village its name).
The first measure, which also served as the initial spark for further actions, was the creation of the Gąski Trail (Goose Trail), where personalized goose figures tell the history of the village and the historical significance of goose farming and the processing of goose feathers. The project strengthens the identity of the residents while also being increasingly appreciated by tourists. Soon after, old farm gardens (“Grandma‘s Garden“) and orchards were established, serving as exemplary models of biodiversity and the planting of old, native, and thus significantly resilient varieties. These model gardens are not only a significant enrichment of the village‘s green spaces but also serve as instructive examples for some private gardens. Also remarkable is the implementation of the “Silent History“ measure, in which old photos of the village‘s residents were transferred to buildings in oversized formats, creating an emotionally appealing connection between the village‘s past and present. The over-all project succeeds in generating both tourism and economic added value while simultaneously strengthening identity and preserving intangible heritage.
Evaluated: 2024