1. Imprint

Europäische ARGE Landentwicklung und Dorferneuerung |
European Association for Rural Development and Village Renewal


Europäische ARGE Landentwicklung und Dorferneuerung
European Association for Rural Development and Village Renewal
Managing Director: Theres Friewald-Hofbauer
Bahnhofsring 48/1/5b
3451 Pixendorf, Austria
Telefon: +43 2275 930 80
E-Mail: info(at)landentwicklung.org

ZVR- Number: 967401264

Medienlinie gem. § 25 Abs. 4 MedienG:

2. Announcement gem. § 13 AVG

Contact address: Europäische ARGE Landentwicklung und Dorferneuerung, Bahnhofsring 48/1/5b, 3441 Pixendorf Austria


If you have any questions you can call us under this number during business hours: +43 2275 930 80


If you want to write us an e-mail please use this address: info(at)landentwicklung.org