Duchroth und Oberhausen an der Nahe, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Duchroth and Oberhausen an der Nahe, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, stand out due to a gratifying profound intercommunal cooperation.
The start of the village renewal process in Duchroth was launched under the motto „our development area is the village center“ and thus a strong commitment to the inner development. The revitalization of more than 50 objects in the center of the village impressively confirms the use of vacancies and thus the upgrading of existing infrastructure.
Another major strength is the design of public space, which is particularly evident in the reactivation of the historic ring path. In Oberhausen, the reutilization of the old station building as a high-tech dental laboratory, the innovation of the winemakers and the structural implementation of contemporary architectural solutions have to be highlighted. The development of a future vision “village 4.0” in cooperation with the University of Offenbach also deserves special mention.
Evaluated: 2018