Dolní Němčí, Zlín, Czech Republic

The municipality Dolní Němčí spans only some 1.000 hectares, is located in the South of the Czech Republic, not far from the Slovakian border, and is part of the microregion known as the White Carpathian Mountains. It has around 3000 inhabitants.One characteristic of the village that remains to this day is its peculiar location as a compact structural body at the center of the surrounding meadow. Expansions of the settlement area are closely regulated to maintain the enclosed settlement shape and undertaken with great consideration for the almost entirely woodless area. Over the past years and decades, shelter belts and forest strips were laid out as ecological interventions and to protect agricultural spaces.

Municipal development in Dolní Němčí, which began around 30 years ago, is promoted on several levels. On the one hand, it is the community itself that develops and subsequently implements ideas, visions and projects, guided by a resourceful leadership of the municipal council and a diverse team of the heads of various associations. This intense involvement of local clubs and institutions also guarantees that the interests of inhabitants of all ages, genders and situations are taken into consideration.

On the other hand, the municipality is part of several regional and transregional projects. One particularly important alliance is the microregion “White Carpathian Mountains”, which the municipality became a part of in 2005. Within this alliance, the mayors of member municipalities collaborate closely with a variety of experts to develop innovative ideas for the region. It also aims to create modern infrastructures, services and energy concepts and to improve the quality of life. The implementation of these regionally conceived goals falls to the individual municipalities.

After a period of political instabilities in the early 1990ies, Dolní Němčí now has a stable population and a solid age pyramid. Considering the size of the municipality, its local supply and social infrastructure are exceptional. All necessities of daily life can be found here: stores, a butcher, a bakery, educational institutions, care facilities for both children and the elderly, the so-called “Seniors’ Parlor” and much more. These social institutions are operated by the municipality, with help – in part – from volunteers and in collaboration with Caritas or similar organizations.

The local field of education is particularly impressive. The pioneering comprehensive school is run full-time, offering high-quality art and sports programs in the afternoon, thereby enriching the educational experience of its students. This system may be preset by the state, but Dolní Němčí innovatively entwines it with local institutions and organizations, subsequently creating exceptional opportunities for their youth and promoting a strong bond to their home municipality.

Numerous active associations and clubs form an important pillar and can be considered the sustainable, social, cultural and communal glue within the community. Particular significance is attributed to the tradition-oriented associations who refuse to be “stiffened” by the past, but rather attempt to incorporate customs and traditions into the present. The local heritage museum is a focal point, providing the possibility to experience history and come together as a community.

Municipal leaders have a solid foundation for discussion with the population. This ensures the municipality’s ability to acquire land for necessary expansions of the settlement area, transregional bicycle paths and ecological measures. An “energy action plan”, conceived in 2008, also relies on active participation from the Dolní Němčí population. It includes plans to save energy, the replacement of central-heating boilers and thermal insulation and the establishment of renewable energy systems such as photovoltaic or geothermal energy. 60 percent of the municipality is supplied with local heat from a biogas plant owned by the large local agribusiness.  This agribusiness stems from the former Agricultural Production Cooperative and farms approximately 3000 hectares, 900 of which are part of Dolní Němčí. It provides 80 jobs, making it the largest employer in Dolní Němčí , a municipality which places great importance on being able to provide as much employment as possible.

The municipality Dolní Němčí presents itself as a vital living space amidst the White Carpathian Mountains that particularly impresses through its great care for children and youth and its vital community, largely carried by the carious associations.

Evaluated: 2020


Beate Schrank