Umwelt & Energie & Ressourcen

Kirchberg an der Pielach, Lower Austria, Austria

The market town Kirchberg an der Pielach with its some 3.200 inhabitants is located about 30 kilometres South of the...

Hoonhorst, Netherlands

Hoonhorst has 1.200 inhabitants and is one of six parts of the municipality Dalfsen, around 14 kilometres from the province...

Hoetmar, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Hoetmar, a village with almost 2.300 inhabitants, is located in the region Münsterland in North Rhine-Westphalia and is a part...

DOBKÓW, Lower Silesia, Poland

Dobków with its some 500 inhabitants is a Lower Silesian village around 100 kilometres from Breslau. It is part of...

Fliess, Tyrol Austria

With its 3000 inhabitants, the municipality Fließ is geographically far apart – within two valleys, the Inntal and the Pitztal,...

Wiesenburg, Brandenburg, Germany

As early as in the 1980s, Wiesenburg realized that its castle, the existing structure, the nature park and its committed...

Weißensee, Carinthia, Austria

Its consequent care and conservation of natural space and the conscious restriction of constructional development while at the same time...

Waffensen, Lower-Saxony, Germany

Waffensen, Lower-Saxony, Germany

Even though Waffensen has lost its autonomy as a municipality, it successfully faces up to the challenges of the future...

Vals, Graubünden, Switzerland

Vals is a municipality located in the Canton Graubünden, region Surselva, in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. To this day...

Újszilvás, Hungary

In a relatively short space of time, Újszilvás was able to realize its potential and resources, make use of renewable...

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