Beaufort, Luxembourg

The municipality of Beaufort is located in the East of Luxembourg and counts 2.334 inhabitants. Only little over 50 percent of the municipalities population are of Luxembourgian nationality – almost a quarter of the popolation is of Portuguese descent and in total there are about 49 different nationalities inhabiting the municipality. Its area is about 13,7 square kilometres, half of which are forests and only 8,7% are settlement area. The population has been growing by 2% each year over the last two decades.

Opening and provision of building areas are therefore crucial aspects of the municipality’s agenda. Excellent settlement development is demonstrated in “Härewiss” with its compact settlement structure and space-saving construction projects as well as its close-to-nature play and recreational ground at the core of the village. In 2002 an INTERREG-grant allowed for the realisation of a storm water storage. In the fields of energy and environment, the municipality can be described as a model region: public buildings use alternative energy sources and are equipped energy- and resource-efficiently.

The village outskirts of Beaufort are characterised by large agricultural farmsteads. Production is focused on dairy farming based on sustainable technology in harmony with ecology and economy through extensive pastoral farming of Angus cattle. Although agriculture and forestry are of minor economical importance, these businesses are of great social and landscaping importance and secure the regional supply. Beaufort is main initiator of several regional initiatives and cooperations, among them a promotional network for regional products.

Numerous small and medium-sized enterprises strengthen the communal economy and offer 328 jobs, mainly in the service sector. A number of hotels and gastronomic businesses as well as several camping sites emphasise the touristic importance of Beaufort. In total, the municipality is equipped with an excellently constructed and marked hiking path network which is distinguished by its interconnectedness with (trans)national, regional and local paths. Hiking tourism forms a sustainable pillar in the local tourism sector.

Beaufort lives and maintains its village community. Examples thereof are the senior citizen day, the traditional castle burning after Fastnacht and the sports day which is focused on the youngest generation. The close-to-nature design of the school yard was created by around 100 parents in close collaboration with the municipality, forester and teaching staff. The used wood was taken exclusively from the municipality’s forest. The construction of the new roof for the ice rink can also be attributed to the work of volunteers. The public pool and its adjacent camping site are also maintained voluntarily.

The inhabitants are proud of their cultural heritage and know its identity-defining power, as proven by the teaching path “Human and Stone”. Based on the outline of the municipality, a consistent and sustainable development has been put into motion, which concerns itself with all subjects of relevance for the future, focuses on the increase of economic, social and cultural living quality of the inhabitants and aims to maintain a healthy environment.

Evaluated: 2012


Beate Schrank