Kašava, Region Zlín, Czech Republic
Kašava, Zlín region, Czech Republic, distinguishes itslef by sustainable village development based on good planning principles and intensive cooperation with neighboring regions.
With the implementation of concepts, involving the population and experts, important steps towards future-oriented development were taken. For example, the preservation of habitats, meadows and old fruit varieties has made an important contribution to biodiversity. The community’s commitment to promote social life is also excellent, and construction projects reinforce the social and community perspective. Adult education is a top priority and a special purpose fund supports cultural and sporting activities.
This makes it possible to strengthen the sense of community and to implement projects together. In addition, the motto „th!nk further“ is met with measures in the areas of ecology and alternative energy. All in all, in doing so Kašava is well equipped to deal with future challenges.
Evaluated: 2018