Be inspired to create new ideas! Take a virtual or real excursion! You will find sustainable locations, which meet the requirements of a pluralistic society.They are distinguished by a variety of timely services for both old and young and by infrastructures that comply with the current need for mobility, communication and information. They are habitat and working space where men and women treat each other as equals and where the creativity and participation of all inhabitants are used to maintain the distinctiveness of the region, but also to remain in keeping with the times. They have found a balance between using and protecting, preserving and creating, between the past, the present and the future.
To be part of the “Rural Roadmap” a sucessful evaluation of the village in the competition for the European Village Renewal Award is necessary. The competition for the Village Renewal Award was invented in 1990 by the European Association for Rural Development and Village Renewal. It´s goal is to promote knowledge transfer, to benefit the growing together of Europe and to show the european general public the importance of rural regions. The competition is held every two years and besides exterior appearance first and foremost the inner qualities of villages will be judged, meaning activities in terms of economic development adapted to the location of the villages, the creation of social facilities, the focus on architecture, settlement development, ecology and energy supply as well as cultural initiatives, arrangements for continuing education. A holistic approach is significant as well as an orientation towards sustainability and an implementation method that is characterised by individual initiatives, citizen participation and willingness to cooperate.